Saturday, August 15, 2009

In a category all my own.

I took Gianna to the park today. This is a typical event in the lives of most mothers. I however am anything but a typical mother. I tend to approach most things in my life the way a man would. I find women, in general, quite annoying. I find most things that they do annoying. And watching the moms as the park is no different; quite annoying. I've come to the conclusion from my countless hours of observation at the parks that most moms fall into one of two categories:

Mom Type 1 goes to the park so that she can do whatever she wants to do without her children interrupting her. The beckoning slide becomes the cost free babysitter de jour. She talks on her phone/texts/chats with her other mom buddies while her kids run amok. The children of these moms tend to be the kids who push down other kids, or cut in line on the way up the ladder. Here's a thought.....put down the Starbucks and pay attention to your children!

Mom Type 2 is quite the opposite. This mom is so far up her kids rear ends that I'm not sure they could even sit to make it down the slide. 'Don't go UP the slide, Johnny', 'Sally, you can't make it across that bridge. Get down right now'.....some of the many encouraging words spouted by the hovering mom who is determined to undermine her child's exploratory nature. Seriously people, many of the things that we learn we learn from our failures. So your kid can't make it down that fireman's pole? Let them figure it out for himself. Or even better, get off your fat butt and go over to HELP them do it!!!

I know that I have many flaws as a mother and I'm sure that they'll be pointed out with joy by many in the course of my life. But, like all good parents I am doing what I believe is the best for my child and her life. I'm sure Mom Type 1 and 2 feel the same way. I just don't want to have to be around them at the park.......


  1. Uh oh, I wondered why we haven't had any more park play dates...yikes...I wonder which one you would categorize ME as! Although I will say I think it is neither but still...someone else's opinion is always great sometimes ;)

  2. You don't fall into either category! :)
