Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Sneak

Twas the night before Christmas, when I left for the store
and heard Copper asleep on the couch, with a snore.
I placed treats out for guests, on the table with care,
I’d be gone for a few. But they should be safe there.

Perhaps I should take him? No, I’ll leave him instead.
And I’d no sooner gone, then he’d raised up his head.
Never dreamed he’d do damage before I got back.
But that nose woke him up, led him straight to the snack.

Out of reach was the tray, but that didn’t matter.
He sprang from the couch and it caused quite a clatter.
His leap was too great. That pup slid like a flash.
Skidded ‘cross the table. Hit the plate; what a crash.

The carpet now covered with new-fallen treats
Made it easy for Copper to get at the eats.
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
But a platter of caramel foil covered reindeer.

With a little old trick, and a scamper up quick,
Those reindeer were gone in as much as a lick.
Yet more goodies waited. Some were found on the shelf.
He devoured them. It’s Christmas. Why not help himself?

"Now Hershey! now, Reeses! now, Nestle and See’s!
Candy canes! Nut clusters…anything please!
From friends’ kitchens or stores that are found in the mall
Now eat ‘em up, eat ‘em up, eat ‘em up all!

As dry heaves came and went, with wild eyes he did spy,
that yummies were sitting up high in the sky.
Though forty pounds heavy, it seemed that he flew,
to the top of the bookshelf, quite nimbly too.

And there red and green M&Ms in a bowl
became some of the next type of sweet that he stole.
He swallowed them quickly. With a hop turned around.
And from six feet up down he came with a bound.

His coat was still clean, from his head to his foot,
But his muzzle, from chocolate, looked covered with soot.
And the scene was left clean. Not one mess did he make.
Nor was there trace evidence left in his wake.

His eyes were glazed over, in near coma from candy.
At times he acts dense but those smarts come in handy!
He had a sweet face and a stout little belly
That dragged when he walked. And boy was he smelly.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
A sharp, impish dog who was proud of himself!
Familiar sounds came, raised his ears on his head.
As I pulled in the drive, he was soon filled with dread.

A last glance at the scene, oh so proud of his work,
While I came through the door, pushed it closed with a jerk.
He sprang to couch, laid his head on a pillow,
and fooled me. I praised him, that crafty ole fellow.

When I peered through the house I was fooled by his ploy,
"Aww, he’s still asleep. Why he’s such a good boy.”
My hands filled with bags, off to put them away.
Then I paused…didn’t I leave some treats on that tray?

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