Thursday, May 12, 2011

A dying breed

Environmental activism isn't something that comes naturally to me.  But lately I've noticed a significant decrease in a certain population and I am increasingly nervous that, if something serious isn't done soon, we'll lose an incredibly important species forever.  I'm talking about men.  Real men.  Where have all the men gone?

There was a time in the not so distant past when men were men and they weren't afraid to act as such.  But starting with Rosie the Riveter and that broad with her fish driven bicycle we have spent the last fifty years undermining men under the guise of 'sensitivity' and 'equality'.  So it begs the question, 'what makes a man a MAN?'  We can rule out physical traits, such as ownership of a penis (because for $14.99 plus shipping and handling I can own one of those too) and assume that it is character traits that make one qualify. It seems that the inherent qualities of a man (work ethic, confidence, take charge attitude....all those wonderful benefits of testosterone) have been twisted into something negative and as a result we are left with a bunch of lazy, overly emotional, sniveling wimps who can't tell a torque wrench from a tea cozy. 

It's we women who have done it.  We are the ones who demanded r-e-s-p-e-c-t and turned good old fashioned chivalry into a mortal sin.  We are the ones who spent decades feminizing men, demonizing masculinity and 'talking' the toughness right out of them.  Newsflash ladies: Men aren't women, and when you finally get your wish and eunuchize him into one, you lose all respect for well you should.  Call me old fashioned (please, it would be a wonderful compliment) but I believe that the man should take the lead.  The man should be the provider.  The man should usher security and guide God into his family.  The man should be the man.  Go to work, fix the toilet, change the oil, repair the fence, open the doors, make decisions, take a a man. 

While I consider myself a connoisseur of a great fart and I appreciate the art of a well executed groin scratch I am not advocating macho, ape-like behaviour as a prerequisite for manhood...but I also don't rule them out.  I would argue that, especially now, we need men to behave primitively.  We need them to get back in touch with their masculine side.  Certainly refinement is a desirable trait (I like a man who can put on a suit and enjoy and evening at the symphony with me) but I wouldn't trade it for the guttural, inherent, testosterone driven attitude that has compelled every single advancement in the history of civilization. 

So please, if you're living with a lad who is more adept at advancing the levels of his PS3 than providing a pay check....or who is content to have Paco do his yard work rather than get his hands dirty,  PLEASE, for the good of society, encourage your guy to man up.  And if he does, reward him with a b.j.   You'd be surprised what a motivating factor those can be....

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